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Saturday, July 5, 2008

122. Ms. Goody Two Shoes!

______ ______ was a character created by Richard Outcault for his comic strip, Buster Brown. She was the sister of the title character, Buster Brown. In 1904, Outcault travelled to the St. Louis World's Fair and sold licenses to up to 200 companies to use the Buster Brown characters to advertise their products. Among them was the Brown Shoe Company, who later hired actors to tour the country, performing as the Buster Brown characters in theaters and stores. This strategy helped the Brown Shoe Company become the most prominently associated brand with the Buster Brown characters. The style of shoe Buster Brown and his sister wore came to be known by her name.

What popular style of shoes?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

121. All About Sex?

This stamp was the first in the history of the US Postal Service to include the word "sex," although as a synonym for gender.

Who is the stamp dedicated to?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

120. The Decisive Moment...

The keynote text for the philosophical preface to the book is taken from the 17th century Cardinal de Retz: "Il n'y a rien dans ce monde qui n'ait un moment decisif" ("There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment").

Whose book in question and who designed the cover?

Monday, June 30, 2008

119. The Casefile?

Limited Edition DVD of this movie was uniquely packaged to look like a case file from a mental institution, with notes scribbled by "doctors“. The DVD menus were designed as a series of psychological tests; the viewer has to choose certain words, objects, and multiple choice answers to play the movie or access special features.
Which movie?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

118. The Caesar of the East?

Generally considered as a world conquest military genius by means of his successful strategy, he was known as The Great, The Caesar of the East, Lion of the Seas and as The Portuguese Mars. But we know him for an entirely different reason. His corrupted name is also known for the same reason.

How do we better know him?