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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

234. Tooth-aches and annunciation...-

Consider a hypothetical situation where X and Y meet each other on the streets in late 19th century Europe and the following conversation ensues:

X: Aaah! I have such an ache!
Y (with a lot of concern): Where?
X (opening his mouth and pointing to the upper set of teeth): My teeth, of course!
Y (oozing more concern): Does it pain?
X: Yes, as much as it did on our day of the Lady of the Annunciation!!

What’s going on?!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

233. Five Colors - A medley.

These exquisite porcelain jars of Thailand were highly prized and used only in the royal household and upper class Thai families. The name literally means “Five Colors” and each piece is painstakingly crafted with hand-applied, real gold masks laid over the white ceramic, enabling the artist to produce a tactile, detailed Thai pattern around the gold.

What are they called?

Monday, March 16, 2009

232. The flowers of Yamazakura...

One of the most famous poems in Japanese history, a tanka by Edo era scholar Motoori Norinaga starts thus:

If someone asks about the Yamato spirit of Shikishima
it is the flowers of yamazakura that are fragrant in the Asahi

Significance Please?