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Friday, August 1, 2008

133. How does it matter?

This phrase derives from the introduction to the Antithesis of the Law in the Gospel of Matthew , and became common in the theological debate which arose around the time of the First Council of Nicaea, regarding the nature of the Holy Trinity. The argument centered on which of two alternative Greek words, differing only in a single letter, should be used in describing Jesus' relationship to the Holy Trinity. One word, 'homoousios', would mean that Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father, and the other 'homoiousios', would mean that Jesus was of similar substance.

Which phrase?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

132. An address to remember?

Violet Stoneham lives a quiet and uneventful life. Alone after the marriage of her daughter, her only joy in life is teaching Shakespeare despite the lack of interest from her students.
When a former student, pays a visit with her author-boyfriend, Violet is delighted, particularly when the author decides that he would like to work on a novel in her apartment.....

So where does Violet Stoneham reside?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

131. Pick-Up line...

Specifically this word refers to the citadel of Algiers and the traditional quarter clustered round it. More generally, it denotes the walled citadel of many North African cities and towns.

Gained romantic prominence through a line supposedly mouthed by Charles Boyer to co-star Hedy Lamarr in a 1938 movie, but which was actually uttered by a loony tunes character based on Charles Boyer’s character.

Provide the line.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

130. Inspired by the monsoons, perhaps?

What could my mother be to yours?
What kin is my father
to yours anyway?
And how did you and I meet ever?
But in love our hearts are as
___ _____ ___ _______ ____
mingled beyond parting.

Fill up the blanks from these translated lines taken from the classical Tamil poetic work Kuruntokai to derive a novel's title....