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Friday, October 1, 2010

388. Tripartite?

Dao Cao Dai (Caodaism in English) is the third largest religion in Vietnam (after Buddhism and Roman Catholicism)

They recognize three saints:

Sun-Yat-Sen (1866-1925), leader of the Chinese Revolution of 1911.
Trang Trinh (1492-1587), Vietnamese poet and prophet.

Who is the third?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

387. For the love of literature

Vladimir Bukovsky defined it as follows: "I myself create it, edit it, censor it, publish it, distribute it, and may get imprisoned for it."

Refers to the clandestine copying and distribution of government-suppressed literature or other media in Soviet-bloc countries. Copies were made a few at a time, and those who received a copy would be expected to make more copies. This was often done by handwriting or typing.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

386. d'Artagnan's loot...

The thief was nicknamed d'Artagnan after the Dumas character because he used a magnet on a sword-like pole and was banned from the area in 2002 after 30 years of stealing from it.

Using this technique, at the height of the tourist season, in one week, he scooped out an impressive 22 kilos in just fifteen minutes.

Had d'Artagnan not been successful the loot would have been given to Caritas, a catholic charity that provides services for the poor.

Identify d'Artagnan's loot.