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Thursday, August 27, 2009

304. The Morea and the reinstated Morte!

During the Middle Ages, this peninsula forming the southern most part of Greece was known as the Morea, primarily because the Crusaders found the region densely planted with mulberry trees used by the flourishing silk industry.

But it derives its current (as well as antique) name from an ancient hero who was ritually brought back to life after his father fed him to the Gods in a savage banquet.

Identify this geographical entity.

Monday, August 24, 2009

303. The Biscuit and the Mountain?

The US version can be associated with the following elements:

a. A modified Zero Haliburton model
b. An Operation code-named “Dropkick”
c. “Gold codes” carried on “The Biscuit”
d. The "Yankee White"

The Russian version is named after the mountain highlighted in the map below:

What am I referring to?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

302. Connect?

Connect the two musical instruments apart from the fact that they are stringed instruments.