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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

234. Tooth-aches and annunciation...-

Consider a hypothetical situation where X and Y meet each other on the streets in late 19th century Europe and the following conversation ensues:

X: Aaah! I have such an ache!
Y (with a lot of concern): Where?
X (opening his mouth and pointing to the upper set of teeth): My teeth, of course!
Y (oozing more concern): Does it pain?
X: Yes, as much as it did on our day of the Lady of the Annunciation!!

What’s going on?!!!

1 comment:

bv said...

Trying to figure this out, I landed on this rather fascinating article - Curing Toothache on the Stage? The Importance of Reading Pictures in Context

Authors: King, R.
Journal: History of Science, Vol. 33, p.396-416