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Friday, May 1, 2009

253. Rules of the Game?

Pedro Damiano was a Portuguese chess player who lived from 1480 to 1544. A native of Odemira, he was a pharmacist by profession. He wrote Questo libro e da imparare giocare a scachi et de li partiti, one of the well know treatises on chess. Damiano describes the rules of the game, offers advice on strategy, presents a selection of chess problems, and analyzes a few openings. It is the oldest book that definitely states that the square on the right of the row closest to each player must be white. He also offers advice regarding blindfold chess principally focused on the need to master notation based on numbering the squares 1-64.

In this book Damiano suggested chess was invented by ______ which explains the Portuguese and Spanish words for chess.

As per Damiano who invented chess?