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Monday, July 13, 2009

285. El Hor...

They are the oldest known of their kind and dates back to pre-biblical times. The Muslims believe that they were a gift to them by Allah for amusement and benefit and in contrast to the disdain that others of their ilk suffer from, they are referred to as El Hor (the Noble One) or El Baraha (the Blessed One)

Amongst the Arabs they are never sold, and only given as a gift from a friend to a friend, which is the highest form of compliment from one person to another.

If a Knight had been to the holy Land, he would bring a X home as proof of his Crusade and people believe this was how they entered Europe.

What be X?


Movin said...

The Saluki (Movin Miranda)

Anonymous said...

saluki,a dog

Pleiades said...

I got late I suppose, but yes Saluki it is. Beautiful dogs.

- Sarika